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Re: [ui-best-practices-working-group] Prefer proper horizontal ellipsis (U+2026) over three dots in "Menu Item..."?

I have to say that if Babel as troubles translating (or actually not translating) the ellipsis, it's more a bug to fix in Babel than a reason to block the discussion so that it's IMO a point we can ignore.

On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 3:17 PM, Daniel Megert <daniel_megert@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
It looks different than the usual three dots (smaller), i.e. Eclipse labels would look different than the labels on the OS and other applications.

It's not really consistent across applications, some do use ellipsis chars, some others use 3 dots.
But that said, there is a unanimous recommendation by OS providers:
Gnome recommends using ellipses and all Mozilla software seem to use them in menus; Apple recommends ellipses in seems to use it in all its software, and while I didn't find something explicit about menus ellipses for Windows, this documentation for buttons also suggests using the ellipses character instead of 3 dots:

So some applications do it wrong, and it would make Eclipse IDE be different from them, sure. But Eclipse IDE should follow guidelines instead of taking applications doing it wrong as examples.
-2 from me. I will bring this up in the Eclipse top-level project PMC call next week to get a final decision on this for the Platform.

Thanks. Don't forget to include the link above in the discussion with the PMC ;)

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