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Re: [udig-dev] Development Environment Setup

    1) I can't seem to get the org.locationtech.udig.catalog.imageio
    to compile.  It it complaining about not being able to import
    org.gdal.gdal. I can't figure this out because it looks like they are
    configured and setup properly in the org.location.udig.libs project.
    Does anybody have any ideas?  I wouldn't put it past being some weird
    eclipse bug.  The errors are all in
    * Driver cannot be resolve to a type
    * gdal cannot be resolve
    * The import org.gdal.gdal.Driver cannot be resolved
    * The import org.gdal.gdal.gdal cannot be resolved.

I saw this kind of issue yesterday as well and was wondering since the gdal lib (2.2) is bundled with udig.libs bundle. Looks like its only an issue in eclipse.

Please try to update classpath in udig.libs project : Right mouse -> plugin-Tools -> Update classpath

Out of curiosity, while working on pull-requests to resolve Eclipse Bundles from orbit rather than re-bundleing it in udig.libs ( <> & <>) I run into the same issue, a restart of Eclipse helped here.

Hop that helps ..

I tried "update classpath" and got a bunch of odd "duplicate build path entry" errors. However, I was able to fix the compile issue by editing the classpath directory and adding a checkbox next to "glad-2.2.0.jar" on the "Order and Export" page.

I'm sure it some weird Eclipse things. I should probably upgrade. Thanks for you help!


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