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Re: [udig-dev] Add Layer Wizard Performance

Good bit of digging Emily, the improvement would be gratefully accepted.

Jody Garnett

On Sat, Jun 7, 2014 at 6:41 AM, Emily Gouge <egouge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I noticed if I dragged a layer from the catalog onto the map it was added instantly. However if I used the Add Data wizard the layers were added immediately, but it would take another 5-10 seconds for the wizard to close.
I always found this somewhat annoying, so I decided to see if I could find the source of the issue.

I discovered the problem occurs when Tools' enabled states are updated after the newly added layers is selected.  Updating each tool (from the import data wizard) makes a Display.AsyncExec call for each tool, which apparently, when you have 40 or so tools, causes quite a delay.  This was not a problem when dragging from the catalog as this code is already executed in the display thread.

This can be fixed by wrapping the setEnabled calls in a single Display thread so it is only done once.  I accomplished this by updating the ToolManager.setEnabled function as shown below (so it is execute once for each category of tools).

If this seems reasonable to others I can contribute the change back to the uDig master easily enough.


private void setEnabled( final IMap map, final Collection<? extends ToolCategory> categories) {
  if(selectedLayerListener == null)
    selectedLayerListener = new EditManagerListener();


    //One listener is enough. Say NO to listeners hell:)

  PlatformGIS.syncInDisplayThread(new Runnable(){
    public void run() {
      ILayer selectedLayer = map.getEditManager().getSelectedLayer();
      for( ToolCategory cat : categories ) {
        for( ModalItem item : cat ) {
          OpFilter enablesFor = item.getEnablesFor();
          // JG: I don't trust asserts in production code!
          // assert enablesFor instanceof LazyOpFilter;
          if( !(enablesFor instanceof LazyOpFilter) ){
            enablesFor = new LazyOpFilter(item, enablesFor);

          boolean accept = enablesFor.accept(selectedLayer);
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