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[udig-dev] uDIG Copyright changes for transition to

Hello everybody,

maybe you have noticed that uDIG Team migrated to org.locationtech.udig namespace and shoot out an ALPHA Release recently.

Next step before Eclipse IP review starts again we have to change copyrights for source files. To do this with a minimum of effort I tested Eclipse Releng tools and I'm pretty excited how smooth it went to change headers. Thank you Wayne for sharing the link on Twitter!

Now the question about the header content itself. Sharon provided a template for EPL + EDL headers in June this year. I used it and filled out parameters that it looks like that (note: ${date} will be replaced with 2004,2013 by Copyright fixes in Eclipse IDE):

Copyright (c) ${date} Refractions Research and others.
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which accompanies this distribution. 
The Eclipse Public License is available at
and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
    Refractions Research - initial API and implementation
    HydroloGIS - Hydrology Tools and additional Data Sources
    Axios - Spatial Toolbox

  • Is it correct that Refractions Research was/is the initial contributor?
  • Is that a valid header for all involved parties, independently whether companies exists anymore?
  • Did I missed to add a company for the Contributors List (Lisasoft?)
  • @Jody : Do you agree to commit header changes on a new locationtech_IP-Branch?


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