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[udig-dev] GSoC 13 WR 5 - Hydrologically controlled landslides susceptibility tool for uDig

Hi mates!

I’m Marco and I am working on the development of a tool to assess susceptibility of hydrologically controlled shallow landslides.
The software will be based on the Ph.D. Thesis in Environmental Engineering by Lanni C. (2012) and will consist of a model available for use within the uDig/JGrass Spatial Toolbox

These are the tasks I’ve been doing during this third week:

• What did I do this week?

- In this week I started understanding the JGrassTool framework by downloading and compiling its code and peering inside its testcases. I also induged upon the Object Modeling System (OMS) by studying (half of) its 'Developer and User Handbook' to get a better understanding of the whole picture. I also familiarised with OMS3 scripting language by writing simple simulations to chain models available in the JGrassTools in a single workflow.

• What will I be working on next week?

- I should be able to setup that virtual meeting with Cristiano Lanni we could not hold this week.

- I will start writing basic OMS components to handle those preliminary data management activities required by the model and, generally speaking, I will try do design the global workflow. I need to understand if I can use the timeline support provided by OSM to manage rainfall durations.

• Did I meet with any stumbling blocks?

- No

Best regards,

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