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[udig-dev] this week in udig communication

There does seem to be a number of conversations off list, making me feel a bit like an email router. Perhaps this is just the Eclipse culture to be sensitive about communication in public?

Moovida wanted to confirm that master is releasable, and it is. We can even merge the work we have done on the locationtech_ip branch to master and the result is still releasable. I would like to go over our committers for github and reduce the list to only those that have signed a contribution agreement, just so it is easier to accept any changes from master into the fold later.

Discussion on locationtech-iwg list is quiet, I sent a status update email but that is it.

Frank called the all clear on the locationtech_ip branch build (via twitter). I have sent confirmation that it works for me to the email list, anyone else game for testing?

Both Wayne and Sharon have pointed out problems with depending on antlr 3.3 antlr.jar (apparently the antlr-runtime.jar is okay). Right now jiffle and groovy depend on the build tools. Groovy research shows a dependency on ant-antlr, but I am not sure if it is a compile or runtime dependency. I have sent my initial research to technolog-mc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for discussion.

Jeff (i.e. info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx has) gotten back to Denis Roy and provided the udig-devel email archives, no further word than that on infrastructure transition. When we get word we will update our website to point to the udig-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx list.

Frank and myself have been introduced to Thanh Ha, part of the build team at Eclipse. Now that we have our code approved he can help us get a build box going. Frank is asking sensible questions (perhaps he can report back with the results - or invite Thanh to drop in)

Jody Garnett

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