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Re: [udig-devel] RFC adding an extension point

It would be a fun idea and allow us to open either the old editor / toolbar or the new editor/palette. 

Suppose we would need an extension point, and a preference page. 

Jody Garnett

On 24/04/2013, at 9:35 PM, Frank Gasdorf <fgdrf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


I'm not sure whether I got you intention and what goal you like to achieve. In general the configuration of a Perspective is independent of  uDig. Because of the fact uDig Map is an Editor you only have to define an Editor-Area for your perspective with a layout you like (width, height, position, etc). Whenever the user has opened this perspective the editor will open in that editor area. If the user clicked on your action that executes ApplicationGIS.openMap() the editor will open up in the editor area as well defined by the perspective.

If the user decides to show map editors side by side the user can easily drag and drop the editor tab to the place relative to the editor space.

So, is your RFC still required or can you solve your requirements by defining a perspective in a way like mentioned above?

2013/4/24 Moser-Spitzenstaetter Ludwig <L.Spitzenstaetter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


Using the current code ApplicationGIS.openMap allows yout to open a map, but pops up the MapEditor in the Perspective you are in. It is not possible now to tell where to open the View (actually ist an Editor). Though a Custom Perspective is available using the Editor (which is fine and uses the Editor when the ApplicationGIS.openMap was already called, with the loaded Project).


I took some screenshots to show what i tried to explain.

1)    The uDig Perspective

2)    Another perspective with a button to load a uDig Project (GIS test button, middle left)

3)    After clicking the button, the map opens

4)    Switching now tot he uDig Perspective:

So opening the map works fine, but it would be helpful to define where the view for the map is displayed (and it can be added to other perspectives too, when if it is accessable as a view)


My inspiration came from an existing plugin i wrote (using google maps – but this is not comparable to a real GIS application like uDig. But here is a screenshot how it could look like:




·         I had contact with Jody about this and he wrote

„Adding an extension point for ApplicationGIS.openMap would give you code to open a view or editor and add it to an custom Perspective“



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Requested by: Ludwig Spitzenstätter – Tiroler Landesmuseen – Europe/Austria

PS: this is my first RFC ever – please be lenient towards me. Thanks!

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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