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[udig-devel] Fwd: FOSS4G planning and uDig codesprint

Hello Developers,

I'd like to know who plans to attend FOSS4G this year in September? I'm going to be there and hope some other uDig'ers will either. 

Who is interested in a codesprint and a get together discussing things personally! Everybody who likes to join is invited to add name and ideas to the codesprint page in OSGeo wiki right here

Some ideas:
* get some tasks done (if not done till September) for LocationTech Transition
* setting up a public accessible build box (CI)
* upgrade to the latest geotools Release inclusive gdal upgrade to 1.9.2 (incl. win 64 bit support)
* restructure/optimize maven modules that reflect the current features 
* translation support with collaboration platforms like Transifex
and many many other ideas already collected as RFC's

I guess some other tasks will pop up during migration to LocationTech, lets track these in LocationTech Bugzilla

It would be great to get any feedback till end of April because of venue planning ;) So which day would be the best for you for a codesprint, before the conference, on Sunday or during the conference?

Looking forward for a great Event,

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