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Re: [udig-devel] How to...

Ludwig, welcome to uDIG!

I guess you should start following the tutorials coming along with udig-sdk. Have a look at the SDK Quickstart-Guide at

To add a (temp) layer you can easily define a FeatureType a create a Resource with the Catalog and add this resource to the map: 

Note : if exiting uDIG the user have to decide whether and if where to store the temporary datastore. If you don't need to store this datasets because data is provided from legacy subsystem you can use PreShutdownTask to cleanup layers before udig shut down.

How to create FeatureTypes? Please consult geotools documentations (udig depends on geotools) :



2013/4/17 Moser-Spitzenstaetter Ludwig <L.Spitzenstaetter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hello Devs!


I am working on an biological database application with geo-informations.

i need to visualize my data on a map (thats why i came to uDig – the old version was using ESRI MapObjects)


i need to add/remove points (later probably lines and polygons)

it would be great if i can do this in its own ‚layer‘

another nice thing would be adding some circles around the points i add (to show spatial accuracy [as some points are from GPS and others are only from a printed map]


i am pretty familiar with eclipse.

So what i would do is create an OSGi service which provides me the function mentioned above to add&remove points.


In the future we need to make spatial queries too…


But i was not able to find documents which show me how to pass my data to uDig’s Map components…


Any help wellcome


Thanks in Advance

Ludwig Spitzenstätter


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