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Re: [udig-devel] PSC: Frank Gasdorf owners access

Motion: Nominate Frank Gasdorf for access to udig owners group on github.

Frank it is of course up to you to accept this nomination; you could even
accept it do the work; and then fall back to normal commit access as suites
Ohh, have I missed something? Thank you for the offer and the warmly
I will add you to udig_owners; let me know if that works well enough for you to set up hithub pages. You will also find the docs stuff is committed with a placeholder page for now.  
I am grateful for the nomination and would be glad to join
the PSC!
I will let Moovida nominated you for that in a separate email then :-) I did not want to put on any pressure.
Do you have special expectations to PSC members? I found a
description right here :
Do I have to join an other mailing list?
No other email list, we practice "open development" etc… The only responsibility is to vote on change proposals; and occasionally do do some of the grunt work to keep the project going (you looking into docs is exactly the kind of activity that is getting you nominated!).

There may end up being more responsibilities depending on how the Eclipse Foundation thing proceeds. It will be one of the things we learn.


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