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Re: [udig-devel] SoC training - planning remaining Eclipse/uDig tutorials

Hi Jody,

I will be working on the walkthroughs and slides this evening (morning for you) after work.

5:30pm to 7:30pm my time
8:30am to 10:30am your time

I will also be on IRC in case I have any questions. No worries if this time doesn't work for you. I will reach out to my mentor or Marco if I run into problems or have questions.

Thank you!
Carol H.

On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 6:40 PM, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Jody,

I was called in to work both tomorrow and Wednesday, therefore I am unable to attend our meetings for the next two days. I can go through the slides and tutorials on my own in order to stay up to date, and email Marco, you, or my mentor Davide if I have any questions. Would that work? I apologize for the short notice.
That can work; do let me know what time you are available (using meeting planner to figure out the difference).
I can arrange to be on IRC (even during work hours) to answer any questions you have. 
If this works, which slides and tutorials will you be covering tomorrow and Wed?
We are actually picking up the pace since this is our last week:

- Day 2 concept is to figure out how the IAdaptable class works and what it is for (as usual there is a pattern - "extensible interface pattern" in this case).
- IAdaptable and Operation (very quick but important)
- Export to Shapefile
- On your own: geoserver install and walkthrough 2
- Day 3 concept is "blackboard" (shared scratchpad used to communicate between plugins)
- mapgraphic tutorial
- workbench selection tutorial

Thursday / Friday:
- into advanced material which acts as a review
- the "disk to screen tutorials" - it will take us the two days

Thank you!

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