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Re: [udig-devel] notes on commandline product export

- it would be cool if the usual uDig.bat/.sh and the gdal_data stuff
could be merged in directly
The scripts in the deploy folder do all that … is that sufficient?
- the uDig executable is built as "uDig" instead of "udig_internal" as
we had it before
- the uDig.ini is missing
- the dropins folder seems to be missing again
Here are some things to look at with respect to what is being packaged up.

product file?
Can you check the product file that is being used? Chances are it does not know about that magic setting you showed me from the user interface.

Manual release uses this product file (this is the one you "fixed" by showing me which checkbox to hit when exporting):

However we took a copy of this product for the automated release - put into the "features" directory since it is kind of about packaging?
I am not sure if this is a best practice for tycho or not? Indeed I wish we knew another project to compare notes against.

The maven release uses this product file: 

The technical limitation here is that the product file needs to match the project name or something.

I note that the pom.xml file here provides a section for "tycho-p2-director-plugin" which may be the thing responsible for the dropins folder?

- net.refractions.udig-product.product can be changed to say udig_internal
- there may be more options here to allow dropins to be generated?

target file?

Frank mentioned a target file yesterday. I went looking for it just now to see if we had one.

In the root pom.xml we have:

This root pom.xml provides a target configuration; and mentions p2 repositories and so on.


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