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[udig-devel] R: Re: R: Re: How to get vector data in udig

I have take as example MySql nel package "net.refractions.udig.catalog.mysql" and I have already done the catalog mytool but I must change certainly the classes because they can not remain as classes for mysql!!!I must remove the wizard which refers to the connection and keep the part where the client chooses the workflow and after the table that must to be rendered on udig! To do this I just have to change the class"Data Connection Page" or I must do something else?Thank YOU!!!!
----Messaggio originale----
Da: omur.yavuz@xxxxxxxxx
Data: 8-mag-2012 14.40
A: <alessandra.baccari@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS"<udig-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Ogg: Re: [udig-devel] R: Re: How to get vector data in udig

your table assigned a datasource , datasource assigned to a Layer , layer assigned to a map , map assigned to MapView . MapView has a RenderManager,  and renders  Layers of a Map  to screen.   So if you want to display smith on screen you must create a datasource. 
If you don't want to connect mysql directly ( that s i understand)  gather your parameters that describes which features ll be shown , create features  in stratch datasource  , or object datasource using geotools and display it . 

If you want to display your features when you selected to a view ( Your Data Table) use WorkbenchSeletionListener . whenever your table selected by user 
new AddLayerCommand(yourlayer).run(..)
whenever deselected  new RemoveLayerCommand(yourlayer).run(...)

i hope this helps you.

On May 8, 2012, at 3:24 PM, <alessandra.baccari@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Excuse I don't understand! My question is: What's the code that renders the table of mySql in Udig?

----Messaggio originale----
Da: jody.garnett@xxxxxxxxx
Data: 8-mag-2012 14.01
A: <alessandra.baccari@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS"<udig-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Ogg: Re: [udig-devel] How to get vector data in udig

uDig TableView works by:

1) Watching the workbench selection for the next "selected" Layer
2) Layer -> GeoResource
3) GeoResource.canResolve( SimpleFeatureStore.class ) = true; and then GeoResource.resolve( SimpleFeatureStore.class, progress) --> SimpleFeatureStore
4) SimpleFeatureStore.features( Query ) --> SimpleFeatureCollection

The SimpleFeatureCollection is what is displayed…

Jody Garnett

On Tuesday, 8 May 2012 at 9:24 PM, alessandra.baccari@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

I must do another catalog as MySql, but with the differrence that i haven't need of connection!but I want that when I click on name of my catalog opens a wizard that contains the workflow of my tool graphic and the table!When I choose a table, I want to display it in udig!So, I want know how Udig renders the table of mySql!
Can you help me?
----Messaggio originale----
Da: jody.garnett@xxxxxxxxx
Data: 6-mag-2012 15.30
A: <alessandra.baccari@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS"<udig-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Ogg: Re: [udig-devel] How to get vector data in udig

There should be examples of how to add your database to the uDig catalog.

The example for PostGIS as as follows:
Map<String,Serializable> params = new HashMap<String,Serializable>();
params.put("dbtype", "postgis");           // must be "postgis"
params.put("host", ""); // the name or ip address of the machine running PostGIS
params.put("port", new Integer(5432));     // the port that PostGIS is running on (generally 5432)
params.put("database", "demo-bc");         // the name of the database to connect to.
params.put("user", "demo");                // the user to connect with
params.put("passwd", "demo");

IRepository local = CatalogPlugin.getDefault().getLocal();
IService service = local.acquire( params, new NullProgressMonitor() );
Or you may wish to try using the GeoTools classes directly? Notice this page also has the connection parameters to use with the uDig catalog above.

Jody Garnett

On Friday, 4 May 2012 at 9:10 PM, alessandra.baccari@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

After i have choose mySql database and table, what is the block of code (in java) that gets the geographical information(vector data)? 
Thanks to much!
User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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