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Re: [udig-devel] Coordinates of a white border around an image

We use java advanced imaging to work with massive images. You should be able to follow some tutorials and perform the same steps in order to work with a file that is "too big" for memory.

The GeoTools library uses java advanced imaging along with an additional library (ImageIO-Ext) in order to handle GIS formats such as GeoTiff.
Jody Garnett

On Thursday, 3 May 2012 at 8:40 PM, Domenico Pio Novelli wrote:


I have a Geotiff Image and I show it by a layer on a Map.

The top-left corner of image is 0,0 for GridCoordinates, retrieved from GridCoverage.


But I need to have a big white border around the image and setup the 0,0 to the top-left corner of this border.

I cannot find a solution to do this. Is it possible to set a new GridCoverage or modify the actual?

I cannot create another image, because it’s too big.


Anyone have a solution to this problem?



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