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[udig-devel] reviewing the filter viewer stuff

Reviewing the filter viewer work on the provided branch :-)

It is going well I have updated the extension point description with examples as shown below.




Extension Point for creating a custom Filter or _expression_ viewer

Configuration Markup:

<!ATTLIST extension

Used to contribute additional viewers for use with the OGC Filter specification. Filter Viewers are avaialble in two flacours: FilterViewers used to select content (for use or display) ExpressionViewers used to generate a value on demand (for use when defining a Filter, or defining a Color when used in rendering).

    <!ELEMENT filterViewer EMPTY>
    <!ATTLIST filterViewer
    id          CDATA #IMPLIED
    name        CDATA #REQUIRED
    class       CDATA #IMPLIED
    description CDATA #IMPLIED

    • id -
    • name - Display name shown to users allowing them to select this filter viewer. Example: CQL or Include
    • class -
    • description - Quick description of this viewer allowing the user to choose.

    <!ELEMENT expressionViewer EMPTY>
    <!ATTLIST expressionViewer
    id          CDATA #IMPLIED
    name        CDATA #REQUIRED
    class       CDATA #IMPLIED
    description CDATA #IMPLIED

    • id -
    • name - Display name shown to users allowing them to select this _expression_ viewer. Example: CQL or Crayons
    • class -
    • description - Quick description of this viewer allowing the user to choose.

    To contribute additional viewers into your application use the extension point as shown below:
    <extension id="net.refractions.udig.tutorial.viewers"
               name="Custom Filter Viewers">
            name="Road Condition"
            description="Filter sample road dataset using a graphical display of road condition"/>
            description="Define color using all the crayons in the box"/>

    API Information: 
    To contribute a filter viewer you will need to provide an implementation of IFilterViewer (used to edit a provided Filter) and FilterViewerFactory used to determine when your FilterViewer can be succcessfully applied. Several FilterViewers are available out of the box. You may use these as a starting poitn for your own implementation. IncludeFilterViewer is an easy to follow example offering two toggle buttons allowing users to enable or disable content. To contribute an _expression_ viewer you will need to implement IExpressionViewer and ExpressionViewerFactory. RGBExpressionViewer is an easy to follow example allowing the user to edit a Color using red, green and blue values.

    Supplied Implementation: 
    To use a FilterViewer in your own code you can either use the implementation directly; or offer the user a choice by dropping in the general purpose DefaultFilterViewer (which allows the user to switch between the avaialle implementations using a combo box).

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