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Re: [udig-devel] GSoC 2012 - Introduction

Hi Carol,
welcome to the uDig community.
We are sure happy to have you on board with your interest in uDig
related projects.

> My name is Carol Hansen, a Computer Science student in Chicago, finishing up
> my senior year. I will be applying for Google Summer of Code 2012, and I was
> so excited to see OSGeo as one of the participating organizations.
> Primarily, I am interested in applying my degree to GIS. As far as my skills
> and background, I am familiar with Java (currently taking a server-side
> course and coding Java Servlets and JSPs), Ecplise and RAD, HTML/CSS, SQL,
> tiny bit of Python (going over basic scripting in my web-GIS course this
> semester), ArcGIS, GRASS, and Google Earth.

For uDig the eclipse and GIS experiences will sure be of help.

> Here are a few of the projects I am interested in:
> uDIG Projects:
> Create an OSM editor in uDig that would be the first full GIS based editor
> (ie. not just a graph editor with background maps)
> Support powerful OSM data mining capabilities in uDig and Geotools (perform
> queries on open street map not currently possible in existing OSM tools, but
> relatively easy with Neo4j)

These two projects could be more neo4j related, which would be the
field of Craig. Maybe he can comment on this?

> Support full set of geospatial operations as in PostGIS
> Create a gis general purpose database plugin for uDig with hibernate (also
> spatial). The plugin would expose extension points to register spatially and
> nonspatially enabled classes. With such a plugin one would be able to rely
> on the neo4j database support easily from any udig plugin without having to
> wonder what database is backing the persistence. Keeping the interfaces
> clear, it would be fairly easy to allow for seamless connection to neo4j as
> to postgis.

I would love to see this one in :)

> KML Reader and Writer
> What would be the next steps to get involved and contribute?

The next step would be to find a mentor willing (== has time and
interest) to tutor you during the summer of code.

I think there are a few mentors available and some might also be free
and interested.

Let's see you get some answer.

As for me, I am already in talk to mentor another student, so I am
afraid I can't be of much help.

> Thank you!

Thank you for joining us,

> Carol Hansen
> _______________________________________________
> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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