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Re: [udig-devel] help with plug in export

java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: The method createInitialLayout(IPageLayout) of type TestPerspectiveFactory must override a superclass method

This usually occurs when running Java 6 code using Java 5. Is it possible that you you running using Java 5 accidentally. 

When i delete the tag @overide which is above createInitialLayout in I don't have this error any more.  I guess it  is one of this java 1.5/1.6 problem but I don't know what do ? Do  I have to change.
my product definition ?  My plugin code ? My eclipse project properties ?

I see you already got that far. What you can do is copy the "jre" folder from a uDig download into your product (as is suggested in the custom app tutorial). When an RCP product runs it looks for a "jre" folder and if found will use that one (rather than the default Java installed on the desktop machine).

When I launch my product outisde Eclipse I have an other error

org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException: Could not create view: net.refractions.udig.project.ui.layerManager at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewFactory.createView(

I think it is a dependency problem but i do not know how to find it and to solve it. Could you give some ideas?
Yes it is; for some reason the plugin is not able to load. It must be referencing a plugin that either we did not include the the SDK; or you did not manage to export when you made your export.

Can I ask you to double back to the Custom App tutorial with that uDig SDK and confirm that it is able to export something that runs? If not I will happily make you another one.


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