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Re: [udig-devel] uDig 1.3.0 Released

Yay, congratulations people, keep up the good work!
Thanks it has been a real community effort with lots of testing and retesting by the team on udig-devel (thanks especially to Maurcio and Andrea who were very diligent in testing and finding problems). 

I am new here :)
  is there a chance to see 1.3.0 SDK on downloads page soon
That depends would you like to help make one? The procedure is in the wiki and I would be happy to answer questions.

I generally only make an SDK when I have a training course to run. While it takes a couple of hours to make an SDK and upload; what takes the time is running through the SDK Quickstart and Custom Tutorial tutorials to make sure they function.

You may find it fast to just start from the source code ( - now that we use github it seems a fast way for everyone to work and easier for you to contribute fixes back to the community.


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