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[udig-devel] Add WFS Geotools datastore programatically, not udig's

Hello list, 

I know two ways to add a wfs layer into udig, importing from the catalog view a Web Feature Server, or a Geotools Datastore-> Web Feature Server, right?
Programatically I do it like this:

		java.util.Map<String, Serializable> params = new HashMap<String, Serializable>();
		handle = catalog.acquire(params, new NullProgressMonitor());

But If I obtain the IService using the acquire method, then I am getting a WFSServiceImpl. My question is...  would it be possible to add a WFS service using the geotools WFS datastore instead of udig's WFS?? The reason is that Jody improved geotools WFS datastore to accpet the WFS_STRATEGY parameter to have a better support of mapserver, and this parameter is not accepted by udig's datastore. I tried using createService, expecting maybe to have different IServices (udig's and geotools's), but I only obtain udig's
		IServiceFactory serviceFactory = CatalogPlugin.getDefault().getServiceFactory();
		for( IService service : serviceFactory.createService( params ) ){
		     try {
		         IServiceInfo info = service.getInfo( null );  // try connecting to make sure the service works
		         System.out.println("SERVICIO "+ service.toString());
		     catch (IOException couldNotConnect ){



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