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Re: [udig-devel] PSC Update 9/7

* What I am up to:

Spatial toolbox for uDig, work in progress, already well usable.

Try to understand why uDig project handling is such a mess.

* Tasks on my plate:

Analyse las data in pure java

* Impediments:

Busy period at work

PS: I would like to remind everyone that today we will talk about the
new catalog organisation with the GSOC student Mifan in IRC at:

PS2: two presentations sent in about uDig and derivates have been
accepted for Foss4g in Denver on our side: "Once upon a time: JGrass"
and "Open Source tools for digital field mapping"

> --
> Mauricio Pazos
> _______________________________________________
> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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