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Re: [udig-devel] Catalog View Components

Hi Mifan:

Sorry for joining the conversation late :-) I am very enthusiastic about your work - and also your questions as they will help motivate me to iron on the wrinkles in the catalog api.
Services -> Layer -> Type
This is from Jody's original proposal. 
Services would be a list of services that are loaded
Layers would be the layers
Types would be the types of layers
(An image is available in [2] named Version 3, under the June 10 Weekly Report)
Small clarification; I was not sure what to really do for the last column as i had a number of "things" I wanted to communicate:
- type (as you indicated); the annoying part is that type forms a "tree" (with the vast majority of types simply extending feature)
- style (I have a change proposal I need to sort out on this topic; but basically styles are organised by feature type - as feature type indicates what geometry and attributes are available to be drawn)
- friends (if the data was available via another service we consider both layers to be "friends"). This is actually an "association" but friends makes udig a more user-friendly experience :P

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