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Re: [udig-devel] udig 1.2.1 uploading now

Still no release anouncement yet (you around Jesse?)

I have uploaded some release notes; not sure if I captured everything that has gone on:

The release adds a number of new features, a tangible benefit to the developers switching to a "git" repository. We would like to thank Refractions for hosting the previous subversion repository. Here is what you can look forward to:

  • Additional style editor pages; thanks to the JGrass project and Hydrologis
  • Access to the latest GeoTools renderer with support for hatch patterns
  • Access to world+image "bmp" files
  • Experimental - WMS 1.3.0 support
  • Updated "submit log" in the help menu

Additional documentation:

  • Updated online help capturing the new style pages style pages
  • Updated intro documentation for users and developers
For developers:


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