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Re: [udig-devel] JGrass and uDig

Alright, I just tried to clean the maven repo and run refresh.xml again.

I had no problems on the gt-grassraster jar which was picked properly
from the web, whereas I have problems with

which isn't existing anywhere and as such it breaks. The problem is
that we are getting this dependency from the geotools 2.7-SNAP.

Any good idea welcome,

On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 9:30 PM, andrea antonello
<andrea.antonello@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Justin,
> I was supplying most of those jars in my google code mvn repo, since
> as you say they are around since ever, but they are not out in any
> repo.
> I am trying to figure out why it is not working all in a sudden. If
> you have ideas, I am glad to listen.
> Anyways even after that solved, we have a problem with a couple of
> missing modules frm the imaegio-ext 1.0.8 missing, which are now
> pulled by the geotools 2.7 snaphot.
> I'll jump in IRC for anyone interested in helping out solving this.
> Ciao,
> Andrea
> On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 9:21 PM, Justin Lynch <jlynch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I am having a problem running refresh.xml as well. I talked to Jody and he
>> said the Australian mirrors worked, however when I tried them they didn't
>> work either. When I browse to those repos they are missing the jars. This is
>> odd because take jfree:jcommon:jar:1.0.16 for example, is over a year old
>> but the mirrors only had up to 1.0.15.
>> Thanks,
>> Justin
>> On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 3:32 AM, Farzad Mahdikhani <farzad_itm@xxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Anderea
>>> Thank you so much. I checked out a fresh copy of the udig-platform trunk
>>> using "git clone git://git
>>>" command and imported org.apache.log4j
>>> and net.refractions.udig.libs.I have tried to run refresh.xml (inside
>>> net.refractions.udig.libs) many time since yesterday but it seems that there
>>> is no hope. It fails every time reporting failure in finding resources. I
>>> don't know how to get rid of that. I have attached the log records of maven.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ferez
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: andrea antonello <andrea.antonello@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> To: User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS <udig-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> Sent: Mon, November 8, 2010 11:05:36 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [udig-devel] JGrass and uDig
>>> Alright, I kind of got this.
>>> In the JGrass repo we now have the following folders:
>>> dbplugins/
>>> eclipse-extras/
>>> plugins/
>>> You will have to get all those plugins into your workspace. They work
>>> now with the latest uDig checkout (the one with the new style editors
>>> and migrated JGrass parts).
>>> One plugin, the eu.hydrologis.jgrass.extlibs, has a refresh.xml file
>>> that same as for the udig libs plugin downloads the needed jars.
>>> Let me know how that works for you.
>>> Regarding the gpx plugins, if you want to do it quick, you can just
>>> checkout the beegis plugins [0] and also add them to your workspace.
>>> That will add gpsbabel support but also realtime gps support and
>>> postit geonotes on maps as well as on map drawing and geopaparazzi
>>> import support, arcpad import etc etc
>>> A nicer possibility (if you are not interested in all the above) would
>>> be to get ony the [1] utilities pugin of beegis, which already
>>> contains the gpx classes for reading and writing gpx files and you
>>> might contribute to that plugin the import and export of gpx to and
>>> from shapefile? I aready have an example with that code in which I
>>> export the content of the gps log as a gpx file.
>>> What do you think?
>>> Andrea
>>> [0]
>>> [1]
>>> On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 10:57 AM, Farzad Mahdikhani <farzad_itm@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> wrote:
>>> >>Hi Farzad,
>>> >>the errors you are showing me are due to some changes that I thought
>>> >>were made only after the 1.2 tag of uDig. Can you confirm me that you
>>> >>are using a uDig checkout of tag 1.2?
>>> >
>>> > Yes, I am sure that I am using 1.2.0 and the checkout url is
>>> >
>>> > I also have checked out the jgrass from
>>> > git://
>>> > about 3 days ago.
>>> >
>>> >>I won't be able to help you until tomorrow, but I will make a clean
>>> >>checkout of both uDig and JGrass in order to make sure it works and in
>>> >>case fixing the small errors you get.
>>> >
>>> >>So please have a moment of patiance and let me know which tag of uDig
>>> >>exactly you are using.
>>> >
>>> >>Regards,
>>> >>Andrea
>>> >
>>> > I really appreciate you help and concern.
>>> >
>>> > Cheers,
>>> > Ferez
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > ________________________________
>>> > From: andrea antonello <andrea.antonello@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> > To: User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS
>>> > <udig-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> > Sent: Sat, November 6, 2010 10:56:46 AM
>>> > Subject: Re: [udig-devel] JGrass and uDig
>>> >
>>> > Hi Farzad,
>>> > the errors you are showing me are due to some changes that I thought
>>> > were made only after the 1.2 tag of uDig. Can you confirm me that you
>>> > are using a uDig checkout of tag 1.2?
>>> >
>>> > I won't be able to help you until tomorrow, but I will make a clean
>>> > checkout of both uDig and JGrass in order to make sure it works and in
>>> > case fixing the small errors you get.
>>> >
>>> > So please have a moment of patiance and let me know which tag of uDig
>>> > exactly you are using.
>>> >
>>> > Regards,
>>> > Andrea
>>> >
>>> > On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 10:41 AM, Farzad Mahdikhani
>>> > <farzad_itm@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> > wrote:
>>> >>> You are very welcome. Just to let you know. Currently we started a
>>> >>>  project called, where we decided to take the
>>> >>> processing
>>> >>>  heart of JGrass and make it a library. This is due to the bad
>>> >>> documentation
>>> >>>  JGrass had. In this new prioject we require a minimum of
>>> >>> documentation
>>> >>> and
>>> >>>  testcases in order to get in. This is what will be the next JGrass,
>>> >>> i.e.
>>> >>> as soon
>>> >>>  as we have the first stable releases, we plan to get it back into
>>> >>> JGrass
>>> >>> (I would be
>>> >>>  more keen to say uDig) as a spatial/geomorphologic/hydrologic
>>> >>> toolbox.
>>> >>> This
>>> >>>  means that the development on the current JGrass is kind of frozen. I
>>> >>> want to
>>> >>>  make sure you do not invest in something that is stalled. We can sure
>>> >>> talk about it though.
>>> >>
>>> >> You are a lot of help and I really appreciate that Andrea. Thanks to
>>> >> your
>>> >> nice guide I know what is going on in jgrass community now. For now I
>>> >> am
>>> >> going to play around with the old JGrass plugins but after importing
>>> >> jgrass
>>> >> and eclipse's extra plugins two errors appear as the following:
>>> >>
>>> >> first error:
>>> >> class: eu.hydrologis.jgrass.models.r.zonalstats.StatisticsTool
>>> >> line: import org.geotools.coverage.processing.CoverageProcessor;
>>> >> error: The import org.geotools.coverage.processing.CoverageProcessor
>>> >> cannot
>>> >> be resolved
>>> >>
>>> >> Has anyone encountered this error? How should I solve it?
>>> >>
>>> >> second error:
>>> >> class: eu.hydrologis.jgrass.rasterlegend.ui.VectorLegendGraphic
>>> >> line: GC gc = graphics.getGraphics(GC.class);
>>> >> error: The method getGraphics(Class<GC>) is undefined for the type
>>> >> ViewportGraphics
>>> >> I replaced the line with "GC gc = graphics.getGC();" and this error
>>> >> seems
>>> >> to
>>> >> be solved.
>>> >>
>>> >>> Hah, in the BeeGIS tablet extentions for uDig we have the code for gpx
>>> >>> schema since we did an export tool of gps logs to gpx. The BeeGIS
>>> >>> plugins have support for realtime gps handling. Oh, now that I think
>>> >>> about it, there is one plugin that leverages the gpsbabel project to
>>> >>> import whatever data it supports.
>>> >>
>>> >> How should I use BeeGIS inside uDig? There are two packages,
>>> >> beegisplugins
>>> >> and dbplugins. Should I download and import the plugins in both
>>> >> packages
>>> >> in
>>> >> eclipse beside other plugins of uDig and jgrass, make a feature based
>>> >> on
>>> >> them and add the feature to uDig product like what I did to jgrass?
>>> >>
>>> >> Cheers,
>>> >> ferez
>>> >> ________________________________
>>> >> From: andrea antonello <andrea.antonello@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> >> To: User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS
>>> >> <udig-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> >> Sent: Thu, November 4, 2010 12:32:40 PM
>>> >> Subject: Re: [udig-devel] JGrass and uDig
>>> >>
>>> >>> after going over the [1] I got that what a great jab you have done
>>> >>> buddy!
>>> >>> thanks a lot.
>>> >>
>>> >> You are very welcome. Just to let you know. Currently we started a
>>> >> project called, where we decided to take the
>>> >> processing heart of JGrass and make it a library. This is due to the
>>> >> bad documentation JGrass had. In this new prioject we require a
>>> >> minimum of documentation and testcases in order to get in. This is
>>> >> what will be the next JGrass, i.e. as soon as we have the first stable
>>> >> releases, we plan to get it back into JGrass (I would be more keen to
>>> >> say uDig) as a spatial/geomorphologic/hydrologic toolbox. This means
>>> >> that the development on the current JGrass is kind of frozen. I want
>>> >> to make sure you do not invest in something that is stalled. We can
>>> >> sure talk about it though.
>>> >>
>>> >>> So I should import the jgrass plugins [2] and the extras plugins [3]
>>> >>> into
>>> >>> my
>>> >>> workspace beside existing projects, make a new feature based on these
>>> >>> plugins and add the feature to the udig feature list. Am I right?
>>> >>
>>> >> Definitely yes!
>>> >>
>>> >>> Also I need to import and show GPS data using uDig (I mean opening
>>> >>> local
>>> >>> gpx
>>> >>> files). Does jgrass contain any functionality for this? Do I need any
>>> >>> other
>>> >>> plugin to open local gpx files?
>>> >>
>>> >> Hah, in the BeeGIS tablet extentions for uDig we have the code for gpx
>>> >> schema since we did an export tool of gps logs to gpx. The BeeGIS
>>> >> plugins have support for realtime gps handling. Oh, now that I think
>>> >> about it, there is one plugin that leverages the gpsbabel project to
>>> >> import whatever data it supports.
>>> >>
>>> >> Try to checkout the following plugin:
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> it should work standalone and has an importwizard. If I recall
>>> >> correctly it should be for gpx to shape. Give it a try.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> ciao
>>> >> Andrea
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> [1]
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> [2]
>>> >>> [3]
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Cheers,
>>> >>> ferez
>>> >>> ________________________________
>>> >>> From: andrea antonello <andrea.antonello@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> >>> To: User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS
>>> >>> <udig-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> >>> Sent: Wed, November 3, 2010 8:31:49 PM
>>> >>> Subject: Re: [udig-devel] JGrass and uDig
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Hi Farzad,
>>> >>>
>>> >>>> I want to package JGrass with uDig when I export uDig. I have checked
>>> >>>> out
>>> >>>> stable uDig 1.2.0 source code from old svn repository and now I want
>>> >>>> to
>>> >>>> add
>>> >>>> jgrass source code beside other plugins of uDig to be able to
>>> >>>> translate
>>> >>>> the
>>> >>>> plugin into other language, for example. Now I have two questions:
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> 1- as I noticed there are some jgrass related eu.udig.* packages in
>>> >>>> the
>>> >>>> udig-platform repository (new git repository) and also there is
>>> >>>> another
>>> >>>> repository beside udig-platform entitled jgrass. What is the
>>> >>>> difference
>>> >>>> and
>>> >>>> which one I need to use?
>>> >>>
>>> >>> The plugins that are eu.udig.jgrass* are the start to bring some parts
>>> >>> of jgrass into the udig core.
>>> >>> This is very positive, since the grass raster support is now inside
>>> >>> udig and some other tools (have a look at [1]).
>>> >>> One major drawback is that the original JGrass plugins will not work
>>> >>> with uDig > 1.2, since the versions after the 1.2 tag would have
>>> >>> conflicting parts.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> [1]
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>> 2- is it possible for me to add jgrass source code into my current
>>> >>>> source
>>> >>>> code (uDig 1.2.0) or do I need a fresh check out?
>>> >>>
>>> >>> If you have a 1.2.0 udig checkout, then you should be able to simply
>>> >>> import the jgrass plugins and the extras plugins [3] in your workspace
>>> >>> as existing projects.
>>> >>> Doing a product export of uDig + jgrass might be harder, since the
>>> >>> console plugins [3] are manually modified ones and you would have to
>>> >>> create a feature plugin and add it to the udig product feature list.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> [2]
>>> >>> [3]
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>> any help is appreciated
>>> >>>
>>> >>> I hope this helped, feel free to ask any question,
>>> >>> Andrea
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> _______________________________________________
>>> >>>> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)
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>>> >>> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)
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>>> >> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)
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>>> > User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)
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>>> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)
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>>> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)
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