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Re: [udig-devel] How goes the git transition?

a couple of quick comments before I start and will be abroad for the next week.

- I updated the code with WMT module added, but even if things are
loaded into catalog, the maps are not rendered (can't find renderer).
Not sure if it is me missing a plugin. Anyone the same problem?
- I would like to update to the geotools 2.7-SNAPPY that Jody did. I
see it got not merged into the main repo. Is there a reason, apart of

- I like the commenting possibility of gitorious (even if the ones of
google code with opportunity to comment every single change inside the
code are way better). Also even if I watch the repo and the comments,
I do not get notification on anyone answering my comments.
- Is there a way to enable email sending on changes? I usually follow
changes through the commits email (like the svn commit list we had on
the svn repo). I can't find a way to do that on gitorious. Anyone
being able (apart of the rss feeds)?


On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 9:21 AM, Jesse Eichar <jeichar.w@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> SVN is now read-only and docs are online in the udig platform.
> We also have the community at:
> I have updated the project description so that the uDig project links to the
> udig-community
> Jesse
> On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> So far on we have:
>> - udig-platform
>> - jgrass
>> I wanted to review the sdk quickstart docs (in response to some of the
>> reported difficulties) - but I don't see a repository for those yet?
>> Did we here back from Jeff at Refractions about turning off svn yet?
>> Jody
> _______________________________________________
> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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