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Re: [udig-devel] batik packaging and tests added for libs

Okay it looks like the plugin we depend on (transcoder) - while it has dependencies on everything we need; it does not export them causing some of the classes we need to not be found when I write a test case.

There are two ways to proceed:
- depend the various batik plugins directly
- depend on them "indirectly" by listing the packages libs expects to be avaialble

The second technique is used to allow libs (or any plugin) to use the w3c package space - regardless of which xml implementation is available in the JDK).

Thus far the first approach is allowing me to write a test case that passes. I will commit in a couple of moments and when you are online we can decide what to do with respect to 1.2.0.

The other issue is splash screen under win32; Mark Leslie was able to verify this issue exists on his machine (thanks mark).


On 14/08/2010, at 3:19 PM, Jody Garnett wrote:

> Hi Andrea:
> Apparently this issue is important to you; I had been focusing on getting the release out.
> What I have done is added a plugin for testing libs to trunk - hopefully this will allow us to bash out test cases and fix problems sooner (and will
> be helpful when transitioning libs to a more sensible arrangement of individual OSGi plugins).
> There are two test cases:
> - - a normal JUnit Test that can be run quickly; use this to quickly write up a test case when submitting GeoTools bug reports
> - - must be run as a JUnit Plugin Test - used to ensure that things still work when run inside Eclipse
> I will use these to check that Batik is available - you indicated a class not found exception earlier (for what class?)
> Other than that; could you share a sample file with me using dropbox and we should be able to knock this one over.
> Jody
> On 12/08/2010, at 3:48 AM, andrea antonello wrote:
>> Jody, is it possible you pushed out once again svg from the
>> refresh.xml and so from the build.
>> I already added it twice now and it always gets away after changes you
>> applied by you.
>> The bad part is that style in the official 1.2.0 will not support svg
>> graphics, which is quite sad.
>> Andrea
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>> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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