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Re: [udig-devel] Strategy for E4?

Right now the mandate for 1.2 is to update our internals to use a current GeoTools. After this point I don't want to see us fall behind again on that front.

I was hoping the next cycle would be to look at what eclipse is doing and see what parts of uDig we could simplify and/or replace in order to make the code base easier to approach. I have been following E4 development ( they made an EMF model for the workbench! they have an information bus architecture rather then a single workbench selection!).

So in a perfect world:
- we move to GIT. (or we move to eclipse labs and use mercurial)
- we do spot checks with a branch for a given technology; and then merge it in when it works/has tested cases
- repeat for additional technology

E4 is a big gulp and it is always wise not to eat something bigger then your head; I would think something smaller like using org.eclipse.menus would be an easier smaller simplification :-)


On 29/07/2010, at 6:21 PM, Ian Mayo wrote:

> Hi,
> does the community have a strategy for the transition to E4?
> From a quick read through the docs it does appear that E4 is intended
> to be backwards compatible with 3.6, so the plugins should work
> directly in E4 - but the new EMF-based UI infrastructure may be an
> opportunity for some fresh thinking on the UI implementation of uDig
> (retaining the underlying algorithmic code).
> cheers,
> Ian
> _______________________________________________
> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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