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[udig-devel] quickstart testing

Test results for 

- (FAIL)  zip archive has the wrong structure:  build/macosx/udig!

- splash screen correct (no more demonstration)
- (FAIL) about dialog has 1.2-SNAPSHOT with and incorrect date
- null (geotools) listed in the catalog - need to hide the built in processes

Online Help:
- Live users guide has the correct what is new; the included online help does not (we need to remember this for the final release)

- fixed small problem with instructions (they were added clouds.jpg twice)
- screen snap for WMS is wrong (layers are in a different order now)
- (FAIL) wms layers not rendered
- noticed the legend graphic for cities is cut off; sure wish mapserver would repsect the GetLegendGraphics request width and height
- (FAIL) tools are showing up as empty when second map is added (closing and reopening map is a workaround; not able to reproduce this reliably)

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