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[udig-devel] Customizing "New Project" wizard in uDig Core

Hi List!

I need to extend the default "New Project" wizard in uDig. One obvious (but not necessarily smart) solution is to import the plugin net.refractions.udig.project.ui as source, alter the "New Project" code and ship this altered plugin instead of the one in the SDK. This solution however, breaks each time a new SDK is released. A better solution could be use of extension points which allows pages to be added to the "New Project" wizard, together with some sort of interceptor invoked from the NewProjectWizard.performFinish() method. I have not found any extension points that does in the SDK. 

Does anyone have a another solution already implemented that does not break each time a new SDK is released? If not, I'll start implement my proposal and share it with you through the correct channels. I have started to document my request for change here

Best regards,

Kenneth Gulbrandsøy

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