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Re: [udig-devel] How can I handle changing of layers projection programmatically?

Well I suspect there is a command .. since any change to Map/Layer stuff needs to be done via a command or we deadlock.

Not sure; let us look at how that operation does.... 

Looks like CRSPropertyPage has a applyCoordinateReferenceSystem method with the following:

UndoableComposite commands=new UndoableComposite();
List<MapCommand> commandList = commands.getCommands();
commandList.add(new SetLayerCRSCommand(layer, crs));



Since you just have one command; there is no need to do the UndoableComposte() thing.

On 08/06/2010, at 6:05 PM, Artemij Amanzi wrote: 
How can I handle changing of layers projection programmatically?
(I selected Properties of necessary Layer and in projection tab changed CRS. Can I handle changing of CRS in my code? Maybe add some listener?)
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