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[udig-devel] GeoSelectionService, ISelectionService and Programmatically Creating Selection

Hi uDigers,

I am trying to synchronize selection in my application (based on Tupelo, another RCP project) with map selection in uDig.  I am a bit confused about two different selection services in uDig: GeoSelectionService and ISelectionService.  Which one should I register my listener to?  Are you in the process of moving towards using GeoSelectionService for geo-objects selection?

If I should work with GeoSelectionService, the info I found below is not very useful  Is there a better documentation?

On the other hand, I can easily register my listener to ISelectionService following this document: 

I am also trying to find a selection tool for my uDig map view plug-in.  I could not find a modal tool for selection in the package:

Is there one?

I wonder whether this is the correct way to create a map selection programmatically: I create an OpenGIS filter and then send it to the map view as follows:

map.sendCommandASync(SelectionCommandFactory.getInstance().createSelectCommand(layer, filter))

As you can see, the SelectionCommandFactory class has been deprecated.  What class should I use?

Thanks bunches for your help.


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