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[udig-devel] strange problems with png8 image format


after the fix of bug UDIG-1650 (transparency and image format png8) the labels of rendered features are ugly. What I've done:

- default image format png8
- checked out response from geoserver with image format png8 and transparency
both requests return same image :
png : http://localhost:8092/geoserver/wms?bbox=-130,24,-66,50&styles=&Format=image/png&request=GetMap&layers=utm_grp&width=550&height=250&srs=EPSG:4326
png8 : http://localhost:8092/geoserver/wms?bbox=-130,24,-66,50&styles=&Format=image/png8&request=GetMap&layers=utm_grp&width=550&height=250&srs=EPSG:4326
see attachment wms.png

- I run the app with anti-aliasing option enabled and compared it to the result when anti-aliasing was disabled. -> no difference

The effect of ugly labels (see attachment wms-2.png) I only get with the udig WMS client (1.2 RC2 btw.). Do you have any suggestions why this happens?


Attachment: wms.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: wms-2.png
Description: PNG image

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