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[udig-devel] Pasting WKT into UDig

I keep coming across the need to paste WKT into uDig; however when I searched Google for doing this all I found was this:

Which says that Jesse had to disable whatever pasting he had working. I'm not sure what cool implementation Jesse had in mind (I'm sure it was much better than what I've done), but I really wanted this functionality so I implemented a plug-in to allow me to paste WKT into uDig.

This plug-in contains two operations, one for pasting WKT into a map (this creates a new layer and adds the features to the map) and another for pasting WKT into an existing layer. I haven't throughly tested either of these with different projections and different geometry types so errors are likely to occur if you try something to crazy. If anybody else wants to use this plug-in it is in svn:
(You right click on the layer/map and select 'Operations -> Paste Well Knwon Text').

However this plug-in will have issues rendering the pasted features until this geotools patch has been applied. You can still use it but you have to manually "commit" after the paste to see the features properly.

In fact, I discovered that all uDig editing has rendering issues unless this patch is applied (at least for me).


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