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[udig-devel] JGrass, some problems with GridSampleDimension in GrassCoverageReader

Hi all,

I have created a chain of JAI operation, in JGrass, which use to read the map  the JGrass extension of JAI image I/O.
I have done some test and it run well, but with one map it thrown an exception. The problem is in the GrassCoverageReader class (eu.hydrologis.jgrass.libs.iodrivers.geotools) in the method createGridSampleDimension.
With the other map at the line 550:

        if (!colorRules.matches(".*Infinty.*|.*NaN.*")) {
            colorRulesSplit = colorRules.split(GrassBinaryImageMetadata.RULESSPLIT);
        } else {
            List<String> defColorTable = JGrassColorTable.createDefaultColorTable(range, 255);
            colorRulesSplit = (String[]) defColorTable.toArray(new String[defColorTable.size()]);

the condition is true but with this one is false. So at the line 599:

                Category dataCategory = new Category(sB.toString(), colors[i], lower, upper, scale,

the value of scale and offset aren't valid value and the exception is thrown.

I haven't understand this part of the code (which is related with the color table, I think) so I ask if anybody can help me.

thanks and regards.

Daniele Andreis

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