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Re: [udig-devel] how to support ECW format with uDig-SDK(1.2M6)

Hi Ronit,

I think I mentioned in one of my emails that I have not added the libraries required for ECW to the SDK.  Mainly because I have never ran it from within eclipse so my experience is restricted to running it in the application.  The GDAL libraries are available from download at:

If you can figure out how I should set up the SDK I would love the advice.  Current thought is to add the required directories, but I am also wondering if we need to define a target platform extension and if they can add the environment variables automatically.


On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 9:08 AM, Ronit <bama_20032001@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi !
In udig(uDig1.2M6) Application I am able to open ECW image successfully .But uDig-SDKM6(downloaded from "" this link)
which is not supporting ECW format
I have done the following steps(all steps as mentioned in SDKQuickStart only step 2 & step 3 I have done for ECW support)
1. set uDig-SDK as target platfom
2. copied "jre" & "gdal_data" which have been provided with udig application
3. set GDAL_DATA & GDAL_DRIVER_PATH (as mentioned at udig.bat of udig application)
4. modified at Run Configuration as per SDKQuickStart
5. run
Now I am able to open/add raster(geotiff) & vectors(.shp) layers as it is, but not ECW format
Note: while running, at the console window it shows following error at stating time
WARNING: Native library load Native Library C:\java\eclipse\jre\bin\gdaljni.dll already loaded in another classloader Illegal character in path at index 18: file:/C:/Documents and Settings/Ronit/Desktop/Folders/UDig1.2M6-SDK/udig-sdk/
details error I have attached (Error_Msg_at console.txt)
So please help me in this context.............. :-(

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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