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[udig-devel] Need clarification on Catalog functionality


I need a clarification on catalog functionality.
Lets say I add a layer from any service on map and then its entry gets added into catalog view. Now I update my service e.g. I updated my database or added new layer in WMS or modfied the CRS of shapefile, and want to use my updated service.If I now select the same service again (already existing in Catalog) from add data wizard I receive the the old service handle and I cannot have my updated resources from updated service. It happens all because when you add data from Add data wizard the implementation looks for the service existing in catalog view, if it is there then it returns the same service based on its identifier. So I cannot get my updated service.
I know there are ways to get updated data either by removing a service from catalog and then again adding it. Or by resetting the service in catalog view.

But it involves user for doing these operations.

Why dont implementation updates the service in catalog view when user is adding data from same service again.

I don't know the way it should exactly work. Considering catalog it seems OK returning the entry already existing.

Please tell me is this the way it should work or it is a problem.

Thanks & regards,
Nilesh Choure

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