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Re: [udig-devel] export map to image bug

Jody Garnett wrote:
 I'm assuming it is alright to fix this bug by simply
changing that?  Are there any reasons that a png or other format would need
to be saved from a bufferedImage with alpha support?

If you wanted to export an image that would be combined with others on
a web page; or even if you just wanted it transparent for copying into
a paint program or word document?
Well the PNG is still generated correctly, and the image still supports alpha if you want to edit and add alpha data in another program - it just doesn't have any alpha data currently in it. And I'm pretty any image exported from uDig has no alpha data in it since there is no alpha data to write (the image is just a composite rendered by the uDig map renderer, does it ever render in any true alpha transparencies? I was under the impression it took transparencies into account when rendering, but the resulting composite was always just a regular non-alpha image).

I did look at the ImageIO library to try and find a way to determine what formats support alpha with the writers and readers, but I couldn't without first providing it an image (which would already have to be built with alpha or no alpha). So that put me back at square one. I will make sure the map renderer is properly setting the background color. What is the "non-native" jpeg writer you are referring to?

Graham Davis
Refractions Research Inc.

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