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Re: [udig-devel] FOSS4G: June 8th Presentation Deadline

> We have a couple of weeks (June 8th) until presentations abstracts are
> due. I am not going to submit one this year (already doing a uDig
> tutorial). If anyone would like an open office template for uDig
> please let me know.
> Remember uDig comitters going to FOSS4G get free pancakes :-)

Is that really true and official? You are really tempting me... :)


> Jody
> -------------
> The Academic community and FOSS4G organising committee are pleased to
> add an academic track to the FOSS4G conference, and remind interested
> presenters that there are only two weeks left for FOSS4G abstract
> submissions! Abstract submission closes 8 June 2009. (Note the
> deadline has been extended a week.)
> The Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial conference (FOSS4G),
> is being held in Sydney, Australia October 20-23.
> The academic track will act as an inventory of current research topics
> and promote cooperative research between OSGeo developers and the
> academia. The academic track is the right forum to highlight the most
> important research challenges and trends in the domain, and let them
> became the basis for an informal OSGeo research agenda. It will foster
> interdisciplinary discussions in all aspects of the geospatial and
> free and open source domains. It aims to promote networking between
> participants, initiate and favour discussions regarding cutting-edge
> technologies in the field, exchange research ideas and promote
> international collaboration.
> All submissions to the academic track must be original unpublished
> work written in English that is currently not under review elsewhere.
> The submitted papers will be thoroughly reviewed by two to three
> members of the international scientific committee and refereed for
> their quality, originality and relevance. For further information,
> please read the full call for research papers.
> Submit your Abstracts now
> Only two weeks to submit your abstracts and secure your presentation
> slot. Presentations are open to all and comprises a 30 minute slot
> which includes hand-over, introductions and 5 minutes for questions.
> Presentations will be selected which have a strong "Open Geospatial"
> theme to them. We are keen to hear about your experiences, both
> technical and non technical. While the technology is a key part of the
> conference, in 2009 we are very keen to have a good selection of case
> studies and business case type presentations.
> Workshops and tutorials announced
> Workshops and tutorials have been finalised and descriptions are now online at:
> Join the FOSS4G announcement email list:
> or our
> twitter feed:
> Media Sponsors
> Position Magazine:
> Asian Surveying and Mapping Newsletter:
> Geoconnexions Magazine:
> Directions Magazine:
> GIS Development:
> Baliz Media:
> More details at:
> or contact:
> Cameron Shorter, Chair of the FOSS4G Organising Committee and
> Geospatial Systems Architect at LISAsoft
> tel +61-2-8570-5050
> c a m e r o n . s h o r t e r @ l i s a s o f t . c o m
> _______________________________________________
> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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