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Re: [udig-devel] Tiling map editor

 Give me some idea where it does not work:
- does the file open dialog let you choose your file format? It is
just a demo so it may not?
Yes, its opens the dialog. also allowing us to choose our file format.

- you said it gets added to your local catalog ... so something must
be happening
Ya its added in Catalog also..Yes it is calling the renderer also.

- you say it does not work for the map widget; does your map model
have a layer created (or was there a problem creating the layer?) If
the layer is created is it able to find a renderer? And so on ....
By default this custom map view is using Tiled renderer. How can we set this map view to use normal renderer. In default Mapview we can choose the renderer from preference page. But the custom mapview is always taking tiled renderer.
Please give some idea to select the Normal Rendering instead of Tiledrenderer in custom mapview.  
Thanks and Regards,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jody Garnett" <jody.garnett@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS" <udig-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2009 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: [udig-devel] Tiling map editor

> Hi,
> Our Custom File format works into the Normal Map by following steps:
> -added custom file format in net.refractions.udig.catalog.ui.fileFormat and
> implimented the net.refractions.udig.catalog.ServiceExtension Interface

That sounds fine.

> - Created Reader Class which is extending AbstractGridcoverage2DReader and
> implementing Gridcoveragereader.

Okay so you are creating a new grid coverage reader at the geotools level - fun.

> - So It is by default using the BasicGridcoveragerenderer
> These steps are working fine(displaying the image) for the default map
> editor.But the same is not working for map widget which is added in to our
> own view.

I am afraid that is not enough to go on; here is why I am having
trouble. Give me some idea where it does not work:
- does the file open dialog let you choose your file format? It is
just a demo so it may not?
Yes, its opens the dialog..

- you said it gets added to your local catalog ... so something must
be happening
Ya its added in Catalog also...

- you say it does not work for the map widget; does your map model
have a layer created (or was there a problem creating the layer?) If
the layer is created is it able to find a renderer? And so on ....
As the layers which are added into this Map View not visible.... We checked by programmatically.. its working fine.
But its not loading the image becos of selecting Tile Rendering by default. Please give some idea to select the Normal Rendering instead of Tile.

> Can you give some steps by which we can add this to our own view?

You have the code example; that is what I have. The MapViewer widget
is the same as used by the MapEditor; from there I am not sure what to
tell you.

> Thanks and regards,
> S.Karthi
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jody Garnett" <
>> To: "User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS"
>> <
>> Sent: Friday, May 15, 2009 6:00 AM
>> Subject: Re: [udig-devel] Tiling map editor
>> Talk me through how you add your custom format into the normal map? It
>> sounds like you have the catalog plugin (since they are being added to
>> the catalog); but not the renderer for your custom format. For give me
>> if that is too simple an answer ... I cannot really tell what is going
>> on from your description.
>> Jody
>> On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 1:04 AM, Karthi <
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Yes we are able to load .shp and .jpg files into the Map View, its
>>> working
>>> fine... But the custom formats are not getting loaded into that view. The
>>> default Map Editor supports our custom formats file.When we load the
>>> custom
>>> format from that view it is adding in to the catalog but not displaying
>>> the
>>> Image.
>>> How can we add custom format support to that view(like default map
>>> editor) ?
>>> Any suggestions?
>>> Thanks and regards,
>>> S.Karthi
>>> You can also look at what catalog plugins the tutorial includes; if it
>>> does not include support for a format you will not be able to use that
>>> format.
>>> Jody
>>> Good question; I need some clarification:
>>> - the tutoiral includes its own open file dialog which you can use to
>>> dump in shapefiles; you may need to expand this code to support other
>>> files I am not sure (it is only a tutorial after all)
>>> - the normal udig add layer wizard should make use of the
>>> ApplictionGIS current map; I wonder if we can get ApplicationGIS to
>>> pick up the map on your view?
>>> Jody
>>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>> Hi,
>>> Thanks for the suggestion
>>> We tried with the tutorials examples
>>> net.refractions.udig.tutorials.rcp.Now
>>> we are able to place map widget in different views. But the we could not
>>> able to load the image/layer into it by using open file dialog.
>>> How can we load image / layers in to the newly created mapview?
>>> Thanks and Regards,
>>> S.Karthi
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Jody Garnett" <
>>> To: "User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS"
>>> <
>>> Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 11:44 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [udig-devel] Tiling map editor
>>> There are two ways:
>>> - the map display widget (ie MapViewer) can be used in any view you
>>> wish; there is a code example in the tutorials directory
>>> -
>>> The ability to control which "stack" an editor is opened in is pretty
>>> new to eclipse; for the longest time you had no ability as a
>>> programmer to set this thing.
>>> Jody
>>> On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 12:12 AM, Karthi <
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> How to tile two Mapviews to show two Map (Side by side)?
>>>> It can be done manually by drag one editor to the side.
>>>> But can we do the same by program?
>>>> Thanks and Regards,
>>>> S.Karthi
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