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[udig-devel] Re: repository?

> Yeah, we have not been deploying geoapi nightly snapshots, I asked about
> adding a profile to geoapi for the opengeo repository, but never got
> anywhere with it. I am not sure if I still have commit access.. i believe i
> do.

You do; I am not to worried about where we go in terms of repository;
on the idea
that we have a place to go.   Right now we have two and half
repositories and the
version differences are driving me crazy.

> If you give me the go ahead I can commit and start deploying nightly
> snapshots on the opengeo box.

Thinking; if that is the case I would like to stop deploying snapshots to
opengeo; and I would like to switch the udig repository over to opengeo; are you
guys okay with the bandwidth hit?

If this is how things are shaking down we should update the geotools
docs; which are probably still directing
people at the refractions repo.


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