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[udig-devel] Ghost feature on my layer

Hi all,

I would be please if someone could help me to understand what's happening on my layer...

Actually, I created a layer and added a feature on it. I've programmed a visual tool with arrows that let me move my feature on screen. The problem is, as I thought I created only one feature, a clone one has been created too. The cloned layer disappear if I refresh the screen but reappear if I move the othe feature over it...

here are the code extract if that can help:

To create a feature :
Feature[] features = new Feature[1];
        features[0] = feature;
                System.out.println("feature créé : "+ features[0].getID());       
        String featureTypeName = myLayer.getSchema().getTypeName();
        try {
            FeatureSource source = myLayer.getResource(FeatureSource.class, ProgressManager.instance().get());
            DataStore dataStore = source.getDataStore();
            FeatureStore store = (FeatureStore) dataStore.getFeatureSource(featureTypeName);
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } finally {

To move the feature :

        DefaultTransaction transaction = new DefaultTransaction("Example1");
        try {
        FeatureStore store = (FeatureStore) dataStore.getFeatureSource(featureTypeName);
        store.setTransaction( transaction );
        FilterFactory ff = FilterFactoryFinder.createFilterFactory();
        //To filter only the selected feature, the featureId has previously been captured
        FidFilter filter2 = ff.createFidFilter();
        FeatureType featureType = store.getSchema();
        AttributeType att = featureType.getDefaultGeometry();
        //geo is the modified Geometry
            store.modifyFeatures(att, geo, filter2);
            System.out.println("Transaction effectué");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Rollback effectué");
        } finally {

The 'cloned' feature ID is like new0 and the created feature ID is like fid-_61883d49_120a475c79a__7ffd
I have the feeling that new0 is not in datastore and has only been created on the graphic layer... but I'm not sure at all...
Any suggestions ?

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