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[udig-devel] uDig 1.2-M3 Released

Normally I would tell you what great new thing is in a release - this time I can only provide a link!

This is the result of the "10 minuet code sprint" where the development community got together and fixed as many bugs as they could over the course of a couple of days.

The UDIG 1.2-M3 release is available here:


Release Notes - uDIG - Version UDIG 1.2.M3 - HTML format


  • [UDIG-933] - Paste feature to map editor does not work as expected


  • [UDIG-394] - Map squeezed after opening and closing welcome screen
  • [UDIG-565] - WFS MaxFeatures connection parameter not supported
  • [UDIG-652] - OWS Context Import Wizard clobbers the other data wizard
  • [UDIG-833] - status bar message sometimes incorrect for "edit geometry" tool
  • [UDIG-843] - Location style appears for Grid.
  • [UDIG-862] - Drag-and-drop to reorder elements in the catalog view doesn't work
  • [UDIG-957] - UiPlugin activator should check for net.refractions.udig bundle availability
  • [UDIG-959] - Unable to reproject rasters to EPSG:2266
  • [UDIG-986] - "Hide normal rendered feature" preference deactivation is not reflected on map
  • [UDIG-987] - Tip of the Day is not large enough and cannot be resized
  • [UDIG-1027] - Alternate splash screens need revision
  • [UDIG-1031] - Map does not close when deleted
  • [UDIG-1036] - Delete project does not work correctly
  • [UDIG-1038] - Projection bar in Map View displays incorrect projection
  • [UDIG-1050] - Shape export community plugin does not work
  • [UDIG-1101] - Startup leaves no way to specify a workspace
  • [UDIG-1219] - Bounding box for WFS doesn't update when an edit occurs
  • [UDIG-1220] - Free-hand tool can't undo vertices
  • [UDIG-1222] - Snapping does not work when using Free-hand tool
  • [UDIG-1227] - Udig needs a --help command-line flag with a list of possible flags
  • [UDIG-1232] - uDig alters the settings of eclipseIDE on gnu/linux
  • [UDIG-1265] - Udig is not working with Turkish language
  • [UDIG-1272] - GetFeatureInfo issued twice
  • [UDIG-1286] - Shapefile in catalog not resetting
  • [UDIG-1293] - Saving bookmarks does not work
  • [UDIG-1295] - Moving a vertex representing more than side of a polygon may produce an invalid Geometry
  • [UDIG-1312] - Add to New Map context menu problem
  • [UDIG-1326] - PostGis No points rendered
  • [UDIG-1372] - Labels have wrong layout in style dialog, "Simple" page
  • [UDIG-1380] - Error when connecting to PostGIS due to GeoTools Connection Pool implementation
  • [UDIG-1395] - Change style from theme to simple doesn't update SLD
  • [UDIG-1396] - Unexpected error occured when rendering - How do I find the problem?
  • [UDIG-1408] - Redundant information/display.
  • [UDIG-1418] - Visualization of point selecion
  • [UDIG-1423] - Selection not shown in Map (only table view)
  • [UDIG-1424] - PointSymbolizer settings ignore when rendering
  • [UDIG-1442] - Unable to Print in Landscape Mode
  • [UDIG-1453] - println message
  • [UDIG-1455] - Unresolved merge conflict
  • [UDIG-1458] - WMS Title is very aggressively
  • [UDIG-1464] - Map with CSV layer cannot be loaded on application restart
  • [UDIG-1466] - Label are shown even for invisible layers after a Pan
  • [UDIG-1469] - Raster files that used to work in uDig 1.1
  • [UDIG-1475] - [TableView] Spatial filters do not work using CQL language
  • [UDIG-1476] - wms: can not add new image type
  • [UDIG-1483] - ERROR 4: cities.shp not recognised as a supported file format.
  • [UDIG-1487] - PostGIS dialog reverses the letters as you type


  • [UDIG-434] - Scalebar Graphic show feet when projection is feet centric
  • [UDIG-817] - Confusions over shapefile being a File or a MapGraphic
  • [UDIG-925] - Set CRS for Layers with Unknown CRS
  • [UDIG-969] - Navigational tools should be availible when project or layer view are active
  • [UDIG-1134] - QGIS-like dialog for PostGIS layer selection
  • [UDIG-1188] - Need a way to specify the "default" geometry
  • [UDIG-1264] - Cleanup of the Database import dialogs
  • [UDIG-1322] - Allow for Theme Styles with no outlines
  • [UDIG-1357] - file in Finder should have uDig version #, not Eclipse's.
  • [UDIG-1358] - Move default Project > Save directory out of package directory
  • [UDIG-1381] - Create New Type dialog layout clips buttons on mac
  • [UDIG-1382] - create postgis layer dropdown
  • [UDIG-1480] - Display image
  • [UDIG-1488] - PostGIS wizard table view needs to list the geometry column name

New Feature

  • [UDIG-218] - feature schema view for ui.
  • [UDIG-410] - set background color
  • [UDIG-568] - Add command line information in help
  • [UDIG-661] - Preference Setting for Measurement Tool Units
  • [UDIG-665] - Constrain geometry editting so invalid geometries cannot be created.
  • [UDIG-666] - hotkeys to temporarily activate a tool.
  • [UDIG-1273] - add NAD83 Alaska Albers EPSG 3338
  • [UDIG-1451] - Simple style editor controls does not adapt to foreign language labels


  • [UDIG-578] - Fix bugs with Tiling Renderer
  • [UDIG-786] - System Documentation
  • [UDIG-1210] - Update Catalog Tutorial wiki page

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