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[udig-devel] Results of sprint and plan for the next few days

Good Morning:

Last weekends code sprint was really fun; it was very satisfying to
look at lots of small mistakes getting cleaned up - and how happy
everyone was to actually close issues.

The result of the code sprint is a backlog of issues that are "fixed"
in the code but should to be verified. In the open source tradition of
"release early release often" we ask our user community to handle this
step by making milestone releases available.

I have two more patches to review before I can make the next milestone
release; and Simone would like to upgrade the version of imageio-ext
we use this weekend in order to take advantage of public review.

With this in mind I would like to release a milestone next Monday.

Thanks again for all the hard work.
PS. If you check Jira it says that 73 of 148 issues have been resolved
for uDig 1.2-M3
PPS. The number of issues went up since I brought forward all the
issues that have been reported against 1.1.x
PPPS. There is a breakdown of all resolved issues here:
PPPPS. We actually hit all our serious bugs on the weekend; really
helping udig work with WMS servers etc...

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