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[udig-devel] bad geoapi downloaded


In trying to setup a udig development environment today, I ended up spending an inordinate amount of time solving a problem with the libs download including geoapi-2.2 instead of the correct geoapi-2.3. After much trouble, deleting all jars and all contents of .m2 with no success, I finally got the right jars from Andrea (who builds his own geotools, and had the right stuff). Comparing Andrea's stuff to what is downloaded from both and (tested both), I found that if I unpacked one of the geotools jars, and compared the contents between the downloaded version and Andreas version, the most striking difference was that the relevant MANIFEST.MF files depended on different geoapi versions.

So the problem appears to be that the geotools-2.6-SNAPSHOT jars downloaded by maven were built with MANIFEST.MF files that depend on geoapi-2.2. In the case of gt-api, this was built on the 25th February, so it is possible that at least since then this problem has been there. I can guess that sometime before that the MANIFEST.MF file had the correct dependency on geoapi-2.3, but someone changed it.

I thought perhaps this has not been noticed because all developers also build their own geotools, but I would think that they would also get the bad MANIFEST.MF from the geotools repository, so I'm not sure what's going on, unless whomever is doing the official geotools build has a local edit.

I edited the wiki with some information about this.

Cheers, Craig

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