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Re: [udig-devel] Issue tracker proceedure and protocol ideas for distributed workload

If you feel comfortable evaluating issues prior to the code sprint Andrea and myself would love a hand. I am working from the bottom of the list; and Andrea is working from the top - we are each doing a category of issues at a time. 

I have been sending emails about each category I complete as I complete them. Andrea has been doing the same; I think he has completed the first two categories.

So here is how things stand now:
x application - done
- catalog, metadata, search - 
- community
- community axios
- community jgrass
- database
- file format
- framework
- installing and running udig
- printing
- tools and editing
x visualization using map layer and style - done!
x webservices - done!
x website, userguide and translations - done!

With you passion about udig start up issues; perhaps you would like to review the "installing and running udig category"?

Finally I noticed the following very interesting breakdown on Jira:

In particular the "analysis" and "patch" states for a bug would be very helpful for us to document (since if a developer has supplied a patch it represents a low effort fix; and one that is important enough for a developer to have donated a fix to the project).

I did not know about these two bug states yesterday; and there are several bugs where fixes are available in the bug report.

We could mark issues as "analysis" where more information is required before a developer can work on them.

Example - I think this issue is fixed so we could mark it as "analysis needed"

We could also mark issues as "resolved" when a fix has been applied and we need a tester to verify that the fix worked.

Example - the following bug should be marked resolved:

Aside: I just tried updating an issue to "analysis needed" state - and could not do it. Perhaps I need to adjust the workflow uDig uses before this option is available (I really do not want to mess this up).


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