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Re: [udig-devel] udig and community

That is why I say that I hoped to get at least some feedback from all
the members of the PSC, or at least from the companies that are

It is interesting that gdavis has not been around much?  Graham how are you guys at Refractions doing? I know Emily and a new guy Tim have udig related work - are your needs being met right now? What is going on ....

I do not subscribe to that. Instead I think the PSC should take care
of particular situations, in which the community needs to see that
there is a common leadership.

Just so - I am answering questions from Tim about how to integrate graphing functionality into uDig - writing these kind of emails (or at least starting a discussion) is open to anyone.

I understand that. And I don't want to force people to do this or
that. I lately think that something has to be done to push uDig
properly. I propose activities. I expect at least from some of you to
answer me things like: great! or go to hell! no time. or my company
now doesn't want to know anything about uDig.
Again, I honestly find the PSC update quite useless if then there is no dialog.

I do not really send PSC updates; I think the idea was Jesse was having trouble reading all the small emails I send :-( 

> I would be interested; and if done as a set of meetings it will be much
> easier to organize participation all around.

Great, I will be available to help organizing and breaking balls :)

Good times. 

> Got it; understood and I will be there.
Great. thanks. Your contribution will be almost mandatory :)

And the more I get back into the udig code base the harder a line I am drawing.
> The handling of Jira is a good topic for a seperate email; we should
> probably have a bug cull (evaulate patches; accept or deny feature requests
> and so on). I would like to try and use Jira more formally to set a road
> map.

Yes, let's do that. Open that pandora box together and see what comes out.

If you are available Andrea let's do that in this weeks udig IRC meeting.  We can toss out a lot of the automatic bug assigning that is assigning bugs to people are not around.

We should look at the geoserver "roadmap" page as a great example of how to use Jira to present a clear picture of what is going on.

I find that clear and traceable.
> Speaking of which I would like to see either 1) udig/jgrass workshop at 3
> hours or a udig tutorial and a jgrass tutorial at foss4g 2009. The deadline
> is on monday!

We wrote one:
"A pragmatic approach to climate change - the JGrass/uDig rope team"

What about that? :)

Sounds fun; we are getting a computer to host the climate change data on later this week. The Australian Bureau of Meteorology is the initial sponsor for the Climate Change Integration Plugfest so we should be able to ask for some sweet data.


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