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[udig-devel] organizing uDig code sprint... sounding board until something sticks.


Sorry about the Subject line not being populated with the correct info... I seem to have a bad habit of overlooking that.

I spent some time this morning on the uDig Jira, and noticed it has been significantly cleaned up since the last time I looked. In any event, in an effort to keep it clean, and to improve it even more, I suggest we create a filtering process between now and the actual code sprint, so that what does actually get posted to the uDig Jira, is posted because it has been been properly examined and filtered(see below attachment).

Mark Leslie has volunteered to handle/manage the test server/ services, and I volunteer for the Main Tester for OS X, and Bug Manager positions(unless someone else is better suited for one or both of these positions, in which case I will do one or the other, or assist). I will spend the next days reading every Jira ticket, and trying to get a handle in that department. And, as soon as a Core Coder can make available a 1.2 build for OS X PPC/x86, I will immediately go through it and prepare a list/table of contents, or flow, which everyone else can use as a means of properly taking note of any problems during specific parts of the installation, configuration, connection to local/remote data, and editing/use of said data. This way, Random Testers, Main Testers, and Core Coders(also Testers) are all following the same bug finding, code sprint program.

However, I am still a bit confused about how the uDig Jira site is structured, namely as it relates to it's Components. Some months back I had touched on this topic, indicating how it was easy for a Random uDig user to easily/confusingly post tickets using the wrong Component heading. I had suggested we organize the Jira Components to better correspond with the actual uDig application, and it's GUI and organization of tools therein. For example, the first video in my earlier post today, touched on a bug and feature request in the Properties menu, so where exactly would that be filed using the current list of 'Components' on the uDig Jira site? Does the Jira site have the capability of organizing Components with sub- categories? For example, MySQL, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, db2, Oracle, etc., should essentially be in the same sub-category, which should perhaps live under the ? Component/category. Also, there is the Printing API Component, and the printing Component... is there a reason for this type of hierarchal organization that I am not understanding? Then, for other areas, like Find/Install on the udig GUI, what Component would that be associated with in the Jira?



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