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Re: [udig-devel] java version for development

Hi Craig nice to here from you :-)

I have given some thought to extending the FWTools work you did for another project; if I manage to get funding I will be sure to credit you. Wish me luck.

    Only a few java 6 features are actually of interest to us; a JRuby
    embedded thing done in the spring for example.

There are three API's to JRuby, and only one requires java6, but admittedly it is the 'most official' one (JSR supported).

My most complete JRuby code (an embedded IRB console in an eclipse view) uses the low level JRuby interface because it gives me more power over starting up the interpreter, and that should run on java5 (but I must admit I only test on java6).
I keep getting tempted by Scala; there is another Ruby fan at work so he will keep me honest.

JRuby and other dynamic languages are going to get a huge boost with Java7. Are Apple going to slow the move of uDIG to Java7 too?
I am afraid so; hopefully the BSD flavours of Java can start to increase adoption (after all it is not like we are looking for Swing intergration after all).


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