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Re: [udig-devel] beta-realease of the os geospatial Live DVD "Arramagong"


Atm we only have 1.1.0 on it. I will have updated it in the next version.


Jody Garnett wrote:
A quick question Stefan; what version of uDig do you have on your Live DVD? Can we confirm that it is uDig 1.1.1? The reason I ask is a few important bug fixes made it into the uDig 1.1.1 releases; and anything after uDig 1.1.0 can be smoothly updated via the update manager (in the uDig help menu); and the update manager can also be used to retrieve the work from several projects related to uDig - and we are very keen to make their work available to your users.


Stefan Hansen wrote:
Hi all!

LISAsoft just released a new beta-version of the Arramagong Live DVD.
This disk provides the opportunity to try a variety of open source
geospatial applications without the need to install anything new on your
system. It contains for example GeoServer, Mapserver, GRASS, uDig and
many more.

This Live DVD is based on the Ominiverdi LiveDVD/XUbuntu and includes such supporting applications as Apache Web Server, Apache Tomcat Application Server, Sun Java, PostgreSQL and PGAdmin.

Besides the applications the Live DVD provides sample data and sample
configurations and projects for most of the installed applications. A
list of the DVD content can be found here:

The iso-image can be downloaded here:

The current release is only a beta-version and needs to be tested.
Therefore, it would be great if some of you could play a bit with the
DVD. If you discover any problems, please report them here (We don't
have an issue tracker yet):

We are trying to provide for each geospatial application examples, so
the user can try them immediately. So far, most of our sample projects are not really very elaborate and it would be great if someone would create for any of the applications something much more impressive with the available sample data. Jody told me, you already have some in place for uDig. So I will have look and try to put them on the next version.

One of our goals for the future, is to have all applications, configuration and examples as debian packages. This would make creating the Live DVD much more easier. Of course, any Java-project using Maven are probably a bit difficult to debianize, but we hope we can work somehow around this issue. Maybe someone already has some experience with that and wants to help us?

Anyway, we have set up a mailing list for the Live DVD:

So if you are interested, just join it!   :-)


Stefan Hansen
Software Engineer

Ph: +61 3 8680 3200 Fax: +61 3 8680 3299 Mob: +61
Level 9, 601 Bourke St, Melbourne Vic 3000

LISAsoft is part of the A2end Group of Companies

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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