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[udig-devel] Question on Renderers


I'm hopelessly trying to understand the rationale behind all those Renderers, RenderMetrics and RenderMetricsFactories. For that, I've adapted the code from StaticGISWidget and I'm trying to render onto an image I created.

I use ApplicationGIS.drawMap( drawParameters ) to render the image. It's not working because

Renderer renderer = decisive.getRenderer(context); (around line 855)

returns a net.refractions.udig.project.internal.render.impl.PlaceHolder, which apparently is some sort of dummy renderer, that is, does nothing.

In my application I read a project, and try to render a map (with the adapted code from StatcGisWidget). In the printlns I added, I only see a MapGraphicRenderMetricsFactory (which I assume is always there, as I don't have explicitely instantiated on or created one within the project). I cannot see any other renderes.

How does udig figures out, what sort of layer it has, say a shapefile, and when does it do that?

What renderer is responsible for the shapefiles, is it ShapefileFeatureRenderer?

Do I have to set the renderer myself?

Thanks in advance,


Ugo Taddei

Fraunhofer Institut Intelligente Analyse- und Informationssysteme (FhG IAIS)
Department Knowledge Discovery - IAIS.KD -
Working Group Spatial Decision Support
phone  (+49)2241-14-2184    fax    (+49)2241-14-2072
Schloss Birlinghoven, D-53754 Sankt Augustin, Germany

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