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Re: [udig-devel] Trunk vs. branches

On Tue, 2008-09-02 at 14:20 +0200, Wellmann, Harald wrote:
> I'm planning to build some custom plug-ins for uDig (or rather, port the
> ones I have from JUMP to uDig), and I'm not sure which version of uDig
> to use as a basis.
> The wiki page at
> e seems to be a bit out of date.
> So far, I've been working with 1.1RC14, and I don't really know what's
> going on the trunk. The only thing I need is a kind of stable and
> reproducible basis. A particular revision number of the uDIG trunk and
> the appropriate Geotools branch would probably be enough. I see a
> 2.6-SNAPSHOT in the Geotools dependencies which worries me a bit. I
> don't want to work against a moving target...
> The wiki page mentions a 1.2.x branch which I cannot find. Is that the
> trunk now? 


The choice depends on your time frame and stability needs but I would
strongly recommend trunk if you can stomach the rough start.

1.1 is based on geotools 2.2 which is from a long time ago. However,
this is stable in that none of its dependencies are changing so if you
can get it working it will stay in that same state for a long time.

trunk/1.2 is based on geotools trunk (essentially 2.5) and uses eclipse
3.4 both of which have improved a good amount. Jesse is ironing out the
issues with SDK generation so trunk promises to be a more flexible
release as well as being more up to date.

As for figuring out the OSGI stuff, it would be fantastic to have
someone give us a better understanding of that framework and build a
workaround for the one massive library bundle.


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